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Paintings Portfolio
Paintings are a form of visual art that captures the expression of ideas and emotions on a two-dimensional surface. Artists use the elements of shape, colors, line, tones, and textures in unique ways to produce paintings that convey sensations of movement, volume, space, and light – traditionally on a flat surface. I tend to paint “outside of the box” and I apply my art to 3D items as well, such as Ornaments, Wood Cookies and various other mediums.

Pyrography Portfolio
Pyrography, or pyrogravure, is an art form traditional to cultures around the world. It involves using heated metal tools to burn designs into wood surfaces. I burn my designs into wood cookies, decorative charcuterie boards, wooden boxes, and pretty much anything else that is made from wood.

Vintage Rarities Portfolio
Check out my unique selection of vintage rarities for the very best in unique pieces from all parts of the world. Many pieces are one-of-a-kind and very rare!